Final Interview Emirates: ecco cosa potrebbero chiedervi!

Siete stati chiamati per la final interview di Emirates?

Innanzitutto congratulazioni: siete all’ultimo step per passare brillantemente le selezioni!


Oggi vi ho raccolto qualche domanda  RANDOM che potrebbero farvi, in modo che possiate già pensare ad una risposta!

Le domande sono volutamente riportate in inglese, perché è richiesta una buona conoscenza e il colloquio si svolge nella suddetta lingua.

  • Tell me about a time when you received a constructive criticism feedback from your boss in one of your previous jobs?

  • Tell me about a time when you were disappointed by  a colleague?

  • Tell me about a time at work that caught you by surprise and you had to think on your feet.

  • From all of your previous jobs which one was the most challenging and why?

  • Tell us about a day in which you had a very stressful event and how was it and what did you do to make it better and how did you handle it?

  • Tell me about a difficult client you had and how did you solve his/hers problem.

  • Describe a situation when you had a problem with a colleague at work and how was the outcome of this situation? How did you resolve it?

  • From your multi-cultural experience, what is the nationality that you would have more difficulty in dealing with the most and why? Or which one would you like it the most and why?

  • Tell me a time where you had to make a decision for your colleagues at work?

  • Tell me about the worst mistake of your life?

  • Tell me about what does your manager/boss think of you?

  • Tell me when your colleagues did not agree with your idea/decision?

  • Tell me when you were upset of a complaint you had received?

  • Tell me your biggest life achievement so far?

  • Tell me what you know about Dubai?

  • Tell me what you know about the Airlines?

  •  Name a time when your employer told you you could improve on something.

  •  Tell me about a conflict at work and how you handled it?

  •  Tell me about a time when you had to make an unpopular decision.

  •  Tell me about when you have had to work on a deadline at work and how you handled it.


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